Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Ode to the Ungrateful

In honor of it being the Eve of Thanksgiving, I’d like to share with you the things I’m most unthankful for.

1.  Mosquitos

2.  Traffic

3.  The mythical place “No where” as in “the car came out of no where”

4.  Spiders

5.  Employees who come in late and leave early

6.  Chicken

7.  Companies that make their employees work on Christmas Eve

8.  Summer days when the temps reach 100+ degrees

9.  Dust

10.  Dogs that pee when you walk in the door

11.  Neighbors who feel it’s acceptable to blare music at 3:00am in the morning…on a Wednesday

12.  Turkey bacon, no matter what you do, it’s not bacon

That’s enough for now.  Check back tomorrow for a list of things I’m most thankful for.