Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July

Happy Independence Day!  

Today we have pool and barbeque plans for the day and firework plans for the evening.  Before we get down to the fun, here are some pictures from past celebrations.  Enjoy!

2010 – The only two pictures I have!  And they were taken the day before.  Goal for 2011, TAKE PICTURES!!

IMG_5846 IMG_5848

2009 – NO pictures!  Not sure why…Vanessa and Doug were getting married in approximately 1 week from the day so maybe I was more focused on their wedding…hmmm.

2008 – The girls did NOT enjoy their fireworks and I think, ended up going inside before they were over. 

IMG_3554 IMG_3560

2007 – One of my better set of pictures. 


IMG_1877 IMG_1929

2006 – The first fourth celebration that I had my brand new camera at.  Lots of pictures taken that night!


IMG_0581 IMG_0582


IMG_0585 IMG_0590

Have a safe and happy 4th of July!  Thank you to all those who fought for our freedom and continue to do so daily!