Saturday, November 12, 2011

Filled to the brim

Today was jam packed with friends and family.  And of course, only 2 very mediocre pictures. 

I have been secretly disgruntled with my Canon SD550 for not taking awesome pictures.  Lately they seem unfocused, grainy and just blegh.  But since I’m too cheap to buy the camera I want (hello Canon S95) I need to make do with what I got.

Our morning started off when Jeff, Danny, Chad and my Dad all went to Slaters for some breakfast sandwiches mentioned in the OC Weekly.



Jeff has been bragging about this restaurant but will not take me.  Hopefully he’s waiting for an upcoming “date night”. 

While the boys were eating their next heart attack breakfast, Crystal and all 4 nieces hung out at our place.  We also had pancakes and eggs but the normal kind.  Once the boys came home, C & C left to run their errands and my dad took off to sleep. 

Danny and the older nieces hung out a bit (or should I say Danny napped while the girls played – that sandwich really did Danny in!!). 

Around 1:30pm, Danny and Brooky headed off to the dentist.  Poor Brooky had been complaining about a toothache for a couple of weeks.  After a failed dentist visit 2 weekends ago, Danny went to a specialist and Brooky is now cavity free in that tooth. 

For dinner (I told you it was a packed Saturday!!) we headed over to our friends Stephanie and Grish’s house.  Grish recently purchased a smoker and put on some brisket for everyone. 


(Again, sorry for the weaksauce photo.)

Dinner was so good!  We had the above brisket, Jeff’s pork loin, coleslaw, Hawaiian rolls plus tons of appetizers!! 

We hung out while the food was cooking and I had a blast catching up with Stephanie!  She is such a sweetie and apparently we are “twins”.  We watch the same tv shows and have the same reaction to 2 glasses of wine! 

While we were there, we kept laughing about one of the couches they had.  It was so comfy but hard to get up from.  Once you laid down, you were sucked into it. 


Jeff and Daniel cuddled a bit since neither of them wanted to leave the comfy couch zone. 

The nieces were getting tired so we headed home after dinner.  It was such a fun day!  Jeff is already trying to talk me out of our 4 mile run tomorrow…not going to happen.  4 miles or bust!