Saturday, February 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Chloe!

Our puppy turns 3 today! 

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Funny story:  We were at the Disney Store with Brooklyn and Kalea, buying Hailey a birthday present.  Brooklyn was feeling extra chatty and started talking to the cashier.  She was pointing out what we bought for her cousin when Kalea chimes in, Chloe’s birthday is tomorrow.  The cashier must have assumed the cousin they were talking about was Chloe.  So he asks, how old is Chloe going to be.  Without a beat, Brooklyn responds three.  He said something like, wow.  When I let him know, Chloe was my dog.  He was a little flustered and said, oh I thought we were talking about the cousin still.

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Happy birthday Chloe, you spoiled brat.  Winking smile