Oh my sweet Bean, what a difference 1 month makes. I was looking at your 3 month recap and you have changed & grown so much!
Probably the best change, you are sleeping through the night! In your crib!! This is something big sister has YET to do…
But let’s back up a bit. This month you started eating more! You moved up to 4.5oz bottles during the day and a 4oz bottle at night. Mommy’s supply is starting to fluctuate but you do well on formula so I’m trying not to worry too much.
A cute thing you are starting to learn, thumb sucking. I know this will be hard to break but you look so cute doing it and it helps you so much at night.
You started needing me less and less during the night and slept so well in your bassinet. I felt it was time for you to make the move and you did great! You started sleeping through the night more and more often. Naps are a different story. They are all over the place and only 20-40 minutes at a time. I think because of this, you have an 8pm bedtime.
I keep warning myself that things may change when you learn to sit up, but for now, I’m so thankful!!
I love you Bean!!