Saturday, August 8, 2015

Bean’s Chair

Since Avery was starting to enjoy sitting up more, we decided it was time to move her from her vibrating baby seat to her high chair. 


Kenzie loved having her sister sit at the table next to her!  And just for nostalgia, here are a few pictures from Kenzie’s first time in the highchair.  She and Avery are looking more alike!



Avery is definitely taller in the seat, but also older.  Kenz was just 5 months when we put her in, Avery is closer to 6 months.  And it should be noted, Kenzie is wearing 3 months clothes, Avery is well into 6 months.


And because her messy hair is adorable…

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The night before the high chair cuteness, when we pulled Kenzie out of her tub we noticed her left eye was looking puffy on top.  I immediately guessed it was a sty and looked to see if I could find a red bump.  We couldn’t find anything so went to bed like normal.

The next morning her eye looked worse.  It was starting to droop down and looked just like a sty.  I put a warm compress on it, hoping it would speed the recovery.

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She remained in good spirits, never cried about it or rubbed it.  We called it a night and just figured it would start to heal soon.