Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Surprise Caller for Uncle Jeff

This morning, Uncle Jeff got a surprise call from one of our nieces. 

Generally the niecies know that if they want something, I’m the one to go to.  But every now and then they know how to get to Jeff to make him cave.

Kalea tried her hand at it this morning.  Danny called and told us that Kalea had requested to call Uncle Jeff.


Both Jeff and I were really confused.  She didn’t want to talk to her Aunty?  She wanted to talk to Uncle?  WHAT?

She gets on the phone and in her cute Minnie Mouse voice, tells Jeff she wants to go to Disneyland.


Ahhhh.  So cute. 

She has been asking ME for the last 2 months to go to Disneyland.  I keep saying soon, but I guess she realized she needed to ask someone with a little more authority. 

Don’t worry Kalea…it worked.  Winking smile  Uncle said we can go soon.