Jeff and I went to happy hour at RA and ended up running into some girls I work with. It actually worked out pretty good since RA was super packed and had a 20 minute wait. We crashed their happy hour and enjoyed some yummy sushi. Saturday Jeff and I went to visit our newest niecey, Noelle. She is so cute! She is tinnier than her big sis was and was so quiet. Hailey was in a very good mood too. She was running around and smiling at Jeff and I. She even fed me some of her yummy apple. Sunday, J & I skipped church (I know I know-I was bummed) and did our own thing. Jeff stayed home, took Chloe to the groomers, and worked on Shannon's car w/ our neighbor. It was too much-they found a screwdriver just hanging out under her hood! Shannon, myself and BKD went to the movies. We saw "How to Train Your Dragon". It was really cute. ALTHOUGH, B and K did not do as well as last time. Kalea pretty much ran a muck in our aisle during the middle of the movie. Oh well, it was a cute movie. Now just relaxing after a yummy dinner. Here comes another week...