On Saturday, Jeff and I drove down to Huntington Beach to hang out with our friends Jack and Cari. We started our afternoon off at a local shooting range. Jeff had been before but it was mine and Cari's first time. I was really nervous to shoot but Jeff was a good teacher and always close by to help me out. The first time you shoot, it's surreal. The recoil sort of throws your arms up and you become slightly disoriented. I forgot/lost my camera at home but Jeff was able to take the below pic on his phone. Proof I'm my father's daughter...ugh. :)

We went back to Jack and Cari's for an Irish/Mexican dinner. Then headed back out for an Angel game. This was my second game this year. The game was fun and it was nice to catch up with Cari!

Meanwhile...Danny took his daughter's on their first camping trip last night. Well psuedo camping trip in their backyard. The report was the girls were super excited last night and had fun.