We decided to go today for our first trip together. Uh, hello, why didn't anyone tell us it was Labor Day weekend still? We got there around 11:30ish and the parking structure was already full and they were re-routing us to park in Downtown Disney. We finally got in and went straight to California Adventure to get my pass. The first ride we went on as passholders was California Screamin. After that we ate lunch and then used our Fast Pass to get on Tower of Terror. We then trekked it over to Disneyland to finish our day. Doesn't the husband look cute?

Once there we went waited in the 20 minute line for Pirate's. After that we bought Shannon's requested rice krispie treat and headed home. Trip 1 was crowded but at least we have the next 364 days to try again. Next time, when it's less crowded!