Some of the best one liner’s I’ve heard are from our middle niece, Kalea. She had a couple of good ones today but before we get to them, let’s start with last night.
Last night Jeff and I sat down to watch 127 hours. It’s a movie based on a true story about a man who went hiking and got his arm stuck after falling. It ends with him doing something drastic to escape. I won’t spoil it but it was definitely worth watching.
Moving on to Chloe cuteness…when our puppy is ready to lie down, she generally seeks out a blanket to lay down on. The blanket we had downstairs, we had moved to the coffee table to allow us to put our feet up while watching the movie. She saw it and went straight to it. She jumped from the couch onto the coffee table, something she has never done before and laid down.
Uh, nice try Chloe. We kicked her off as soon as we took her picture.
This afternoon the older nieces came over to hang out. Aunty Shannon had brought over a new game for the girls to play with. It said 3+ years but it was more of a 10+ age limit.
The girls played for a bit but took a break soon after they realized it wasn’t as east as hippos.
While Shannon was setting up the game, Kalea leaned over and looked straight at Shannon and asked her What’s your name? It was hilarious. I looked at Shannon and started cracking up. Kalea didn’t know her name? Who did she think this lady was?
While we were eating dinner, I told Jeff what had happened. Jeff pointed at Shannon and asked Kalea “what’s her name?” Kalea looked at Shannon and just shrugged her shoulders and kept eating. Poor Aunty Shannon.