Thursday, September 1, 2011

The #1 Reason You Shouldn’t Let Your Dog Lick Your Face

It all started with a plate of spaghetti. 

Jeff and I usually eat our meals on tv trays in our loft.  Last night we had spaghetti.  I finished eating and left my plate on my tray, about 1 foot away from the couch.

Chloe has a BAD habit about scavenger hunting.  She will find food if you dropped it on the floor last week and it’s under a chair.  So leaving my plate out in the open was just an invitation in her eyes.

I ran outside to talk to our friends and COMPLETELY forgot to grab my plate and take it downstairs. 

And sure enough, my plate was licked clean.  All leftover spaghetti sauce was gone.


Yeah, smile now Chloe…

Chloe has a weak stomach so we were waiting for that sauce to hit her.  And hit her it did.

I came home from work today and went into my bedroom and instantly smelled something funky.  At first I blamed it on Jeff-sorry babe!!!  But then Jeff saw this…

**WARNING: Poop pictures ahead.***


What dog!?!  In my closet!?!

But we knew that couldn’t be it.  And sure enough, Jeff turned around and saw this.


Yep, in the bathtub.  When we first got Chloe she had majorah tummy issues and we would throw her in the tub to save our floors.  It worked and apparently she now knows to move it to the tub when her tummy is rumbling. 


It’s all cleaned up and thank goodness it’s trash day. 

Hope you feel better Chloe girl!