Saturday, August 17, 2013

Brea Fest 2013

It has been a crazy week!  We are slowly getting into more of a schedule but it’s still a little sleep deprived.  For example, I just wrote the title of this post as Brea Fest 2011.  Haha. 

It’s crazy how quickly we’ve all adapted to having a fourth family member in the house.  Chloe has taken over some of Mackenzie’s toys, thank goodness it’s washable!


The best times are those that Jeff is home with us.  It’s great to have the extra pair of hands and Kenzie loves her daddy! #matchinghairlines




Yesterday we woke up bright and early & Kenzie hung out in her crib for a bit (like 3 minutes).


After going through our morning routine, Kenzie graced me with one of her cute smiles and then promptly knocked out.



Her and Chloe slept like that for at least an hour.  Chloe loves her little sister!  Shannon came over for a bit to let me get ready. You could tell Kenzie hit her picture limit by the afternoon. Winking smile


We had plans to head to Brea Fest in the evening.  This was the first outing we’d be going to with Kenzie that was outdoors and sort of loud.  The only places we’d ventured out to were local restaurants that we could leave and be home in about 10 minutes. 

We left the house around 6pm, swung by and picked up my dad and then headed down to Brea.  We met up with these cuties (and the rest of the families) and then began to eat our way through the night. 


I was worried that Kenzie would fuss since the event has a DJ and live band playing music.  It can get super loud next to the band but Kenzie slept through the entire thing.  Blaring music and all. 





We called it a night around 8:30pm.  Unfortunately Kenzie didn’t get the memo and stayed awake until 11:00pm (payback for making her sleep during a loud band).  We can’t wait until next year when Kenzie is a little older and will be able to taste the food with us!