Thursday, August 25, 2011

A day of firsts

Our second eldest niece, Kalea, had her very first day of preschool today.


All morning she was asking her mom “Are you going with me?”  Yes Kalea.

“Are you walking me to my class?”  Yes Kalea.

“Are you staying with me?”  Um, no Kalea.

When she approached her class, she saw the boys in her class running around.  She asked her mom “are there boys in my class?”  Yes Kalea. 

“Why?”  Because boys and girls go to school together here. 

“I don’t want them to.”

Sorry niecey, you will have to go to school with boys.


Brooky started 1st grade today.  Her first day of going to school for 6 hours!  It’s also her first time taking the bus home. 

Her mom kept asking her, Brooklyn what color is your bus?  “White mom.”

Brooklyn do you remember your bus color?  “White mom.”

Finally, tired of being interrupted while talking to her friends, “It’s white mom, stop bothering me I’m trying to talk to my friends!”

And so it starts…