Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Discovery Science Center

Why oh why do we insist on going places during the most busiest times???

The Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana has had a Star Wars exhibit since mid-November and this weekend was the last weekend to see it.  Shannon originally wanted to see it and since C&C have a membership, suddenly everyone was going.

We arrived there and had to park the next street up which wasn’t too bad.  But it was cold!  Thankfully the girls all had their jackets and were prepared.  When we got there, the lines were LOOOOOONG.  We waited easily for 30 mins and finally got our tickets to head in. 

When you head in, the Dora & Diego exhibit is right there.  So the lines were backing up and it was work to just get there. 


I literally got 1 picture each of the girls.  It was just too crazy to let one of their hands go to get more pictures.  (PS Crystal, I hope you like that yellow top with a big fish on it…you’ll know what I mean tomorrow.)


After we explored everything we could inside, we head out (into the wind!!) to run through the dinosaur/Harry Potter? area.  The girls each got a wand and a mission.  When they found the spots on their mission map, they had to point their wand to find out some info about the dinosaur they were looking at. 


Kalea was the first to tire out and gave her wand over to Noelle when she was done. 


Everything was going good until Noelle tried to spell a little boy and smacked him in the eye with her wand.  By my dad’s description, it sort of sounded like it was justified (WHAT!?!) but truly it was just an accident.  Maybe.  Not likely.  But yes, seriously it was.  Hmm…

On our way home we headed over to Orange Circle for some lunch and cupcakes!


It was empty as we headed into the cupcake shop and then a long line formed behind us.  We tried to move as fast as possible, but with a large group, I’m sure there was some eye rolling.  Especially since we made a last minute change as the girl was ringing us up.  I know those people in the store LOVED us! 


Doesn’t that look good?  It’s a banana bomb and I hope Chad likes it since we picked it for him.