Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Chuck Brown

Jeff and I dvr’d the Charlie Brown Christmas special and watched it tonight.  I don’t know why but my recollection of the Charlie Brown from my childhood is tainted.  I remember it as all cute kids doing crazy antics with a snarky Snoopy. 

Not so much…

The Charlie Brown that really is, consists of a bemoaning and depressed main character.  Oh yes, my dear Chuck goes to his pseudo psychiatrist and actually claims he’s depressed. 

Chuck’s little sister Sally is actually a greedy little brat.  Instead of requesting the usual adorable Christmas presents such as “a pony, a doll, or a tea set” she asks for money.  Preferably in $10 and $20.  ‘Cause that’s what she’s got coming to her. 

And oh, the best for last:  Lucy.  The evil, dark and just plain mean little girl that probably made some horrible impression on me while I was in my developmental years as a child. 


You know, the one that threatens her little brother with 5 reasons to lose his “stupid” blanket – as she counts off her fingers forming a fist. 

Probably one of the moments that sticks out in my mind is the promotion of childhood bullying, when the entire school play cast literally gangs up on Charlie and berate him for picking out a sparse tree.  They sling horrible comments like “I’d told you he’d goof it up” or “You can’t depend on him” or “this time he really did it”.  All the while right in front off the poor kid. 

Seriously?  This is okay? 


And the answer is yes.  Why, because they wrap up their Christmas “special” with some scripture and a Christmas song.  So what did we learn?

As long as your depression, greed and bullying show ends with the story of Baby Jesus, you’re good.
