Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Cactus That Keeps On Giving

Approximately 24 hours later, Jeff’s arm looks like it had a run in with the chicken pox. 


Every little red spot is a thorn pulled out or a thorn still stuck in him.  He’s been pulling them out all day long.  Even though he is still walking around with cacti parts stuck in him, he joined me for a 3 mile run this morning and made some homemade gumbo.  One little cactus won’t sideline him! 

We decided to make it a short work week and head to Disneyland on Thursday.  We are going to do an all day thing before our black out days and the summer vacations start happening.  It will probably still be packed due to spring breaks but you win some, lose some.  It will still be nicer than sitting in an office under fluorescent lights OR rolling around with a cactus. 

Winking smile