Saturday, October 15, 2011

If you want calm, don’t call me

You never know how you’ll act in an emergency situation.  I always assumed I would be calm and assess the situation.  Apparently, not so much.

When Crystal called me in a panic and told me her neighbors’ house was on fire and she needed help evacuating, I did not hesitate.  I immediately hung up and ran downstairs screaming for Jeff who was talking to the neighbors.  I yelled that C & C’s neighbors’ house was on fire and we needed to help. 

Jeff came peeling into the garage and jumped into the car, I was right behind him jumping into the passenger seat.  We raced over there and pulled up to their street.  The smoke was thick and there were a ton of neighbors standing around staring.  I had assumed it was their next door neighbor but quickly saw it was the house across the way.  The fire was scary but looked like it was in one area. 

I saw Crystal run back in the house and quickly ran in.  She was pretty stressed so I ran upstairs with Chad and started to just through stuff in baskets.  Chad stayed pretty collected, unfortunately not me. 

After about 5 minutes of running around the house with my head cut off, Jeff came in and told us we could stop, that the firefighters had it contained. 


Need someone to babysit, I’m your girl.

Need someone to yell at someone, I’m your girl.

Need someone to back you up in a fight, I’m your girl.

Need someone to help you with a “garage” project, I’m your girl.

Need someone to throw your stuff into a basket when there is a fire, I’m your girl.

Need someone to stay calm while throwing sunglasses in said basket, I’m NOT your girl.  Smile

It’s good to know now, you know, in case it happens again.  Hopefully Jeff stays calm in emergency situations.  I have a feeling that if we have kids, I will only get worse.

In all seriousness, I feel so bad for C&C’s neighbors.  I can only imagine how it felt for them to come home and see their house is up in flames.  Thankfully no one was in the house and no one got hurt.  Most of the surrounding homes also made it unscathed.