Saturday, January 29, 2011

I can breathe!

Breathing is a pretty basic body function.  Unfortunately for someone with asthma, it is not easy.  Scratch that, someone who does not treat their asthma.

That’s where I come in.  For most of my adult life I’ve struggled with my asthma.  As I’ve put on the pounds and have become more out of shape, my lungs struggle more.  When I decided back in June 2010 that it was time to do something about my weight, I was met with many obstacles.  I had a couple of injuries, motivation issues and the constant tightness in my chest.

HOWEVER, I finally made the promise that in 2011 I would really take the time to treat my asthma.  I started actually taking the meds provided by my doctor and have been diligent for over a week.

Today (cue trumpets) I ran 2 miles without feeling constricted!  It’s the first time in who knows how long, that I’ve been able to do anything physical and had to stop due to my muscle fatigue versus my lungs. 

We finished the 2 miles at a 12:36 pace! 

I’m so excited to reach this milestone.  I really feel this is one hurdle I’ve almost cleared!