Saturday, January 1, 2011


2010 was an awesome year, but we have a lot of fun things coming up in 2011. 

I decided to make some small resolutions so no tears will be shed if they aren’t met.  Here they are in no particular order:

1.  Complete my first 5k before I turn 30.  There are 2 upcoming races that are prospects. 

2.  Pay off more of our debt.  We are making progress and want to continue.

3.  Read the Bible more.  I struggle to put aside quality time to read and really want to work on this.

4.  Race at Disneyland.  Either the 5k or Half Marathon…still deciding.

5.  Attend church more regularly.

6.  Come up with and stick to a cleaning schedule.  Our house is generally a wreck and takes forever to get ready for company. 

7.  Get healthy.  By exercising and eating right.  This is a must in order to…

8.  Discuss expanding our family.  Don’t get stressed Jeff, I just said discuss it. 

9.  Stick to our new budget.  It’s a little tight but definitely doable. 

10.  Have fun and make lots of memories.  Even if I don’t complete any of the above resolutions, I know this one will be completed by the end of 2011. 

Stay tuned, we have a lot coming up!