Sunday, November 20, 2011

a rainy afternoon

Our morning started off with a 4 mile run.  Jeff and I were both hoping the other would make some excuse not to run, but unfortunately neither of us did.  It felt miserable during it, and the only high I felt after was knowing it was over. 

We went our separate ways after, Jeff to the shooting range and me to the movies with the nieces.

Now it’s raining outside and I’m cuddled up with a glass of tea and sitting in front of this…


And yes, those are paint swatches above our fire place.  We are trying to decide on a color to paint our downstairs and can’t yet decide.  We’ve added some new swatches and I *think* I have a winner. 


The husband has finally dug out our Christmas decorations which means I now have the green light to start decking the halls.  I’m going to do a clean as I go approach so for now, I can only decorate our bathroom.  Ha ha. 

Five more days until Thanksgiving!