Friday, February 4, 2011

Daytona or Bust

Today we sent off one of our managers in style!


Cathy was one of the managers in the same segment as myself.  We sat right next to each other and would talk to each over our cubicle wall.  As organized as I try to be, I would always forget about our daily 11:15am meeting.  She would always stand up and tell me it’s “showtime” to remind me about the meeting.

Her and her husband have big plans to start off her retirement.  They plan on taking their rockstar motorhome on the road from California all the way to Daytona, FL.  Then they are taking their time coming home and hitting different places along the way.  Mardi Gras being one of them.

Our office planned a potluck and decorated the downstairs breakroom.


We did a collection for a going away gift and had enough for some gas $ and a basket filled with goodies for their looooong car ride.  Complete with Mardi Gras beads. 


When Cathy and her friends started back in 1974, they nicknamed themselves the “sweat hogs.”  The nickname stuck to this date and made a very cute place holder. 


We had some guest speakers, including one of her sweathogs ladies.  Smile


After lunch we cut into the cake. 



Best wishes Cathy!  I hope you enjoy the life of the retire!  Smile